New year, new blog resolutions

It’s the 3rd January. I wanted to do a blog post about New Years resolutions which is pertinent as one of my New Years resolutions is to go back to blogging. It’s been almost a year since my last post and it was seriously dwindling before that. The reason main reason being that I am no longer a lodge cook. I’ve retired from that world of highland adventures, enormous suppers and constant baking. I’ve moved on to the very different world of social work.

Despite this there seems to be no good reason to not continue to be a food(ish) blogger. I still eat, I still cook, just on a slightly smaller scale.

so here are my other resolutions and projects for 2016, some of which may make interesting reading on this blog.

Firstly, getting physically into shape. I’ve made a bit of a start on this already going to ABS in Dumfries for an 8 week “body transformation” before Christmas, so I’m going to keep going until I’m where I want to be.

secondly to become gardener extraordinaire. We’ve had a polytunnel put in recently and I can’t wait to get it planted and groaning with homegrown veg!

thirdly I’m going to become a beekeeper, my husband bought me a hive starter kit for Christmas  so in the not too distant future I may be actually harvesting my own honey!

And lastly share more! Hence the resurrection of the blog, I’ve missed the community of tweeting and blogging and I think nothing inspires you forward like encouragement and enthusiasm of likeminded people from around the world (or more locally!)

so happy 2016, for me the year of the resolutions. May it be happy and prosperous for all!


Scoop and I enjoying a hill walk on New Year’s Day



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